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Nyssa and Asad seemly infiltrate Blade's compound. Unable to contain the Reapers, Vampire Lord Eli Damaskinos sends two emissaries, Asad and his daughter Nyssa, to seek the aid of vampire hunter Blade and his team. Infected vampires are being turned into 'Reapers', a mutation of vampires, immune to all vampire weaknesses with the exception of ultraviolet light, who kill humans and turn any vampires they feed on into more Reapers.

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Unbeknownst to Blade a pandemic known as the "Reaper virus" has spread through the vampire community. Blade's new weapons creator, Scud, express doubts in Whistler becoming human again. After returning to their headquarters, Blade gives Whistler an anti-virus vampire serum to revert him back to human.

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Blade discovers Whistler being held at a vampire safe house inside amniotic-like tube. Its fair watchable and there are some amusing moments but it does contain a few stereotypes and the plot is pretty predictable/cliched, so it didn't particularly stand out to me.Storyline: Blade II 2002 Two years after the events of the first Blade movie, Blade has been searching to find his mentor Abraham Whistler, who was thought to had died after being attacked by Deacon Frost and his vampire pack but instead was turned into a vampire. No, overall I wouldn't specifically recommend this film, compared to other similar action/thriller films of the time. The film has been given a 15 rating in the UK, due to this. There is some strong language, although nothing horrendously graphic, a few eff-words and the like and the film also conveys threat and peril which may frighten some people, particularly if anyone has had any form of involvement, or observation of, terrorist attacks. Content wise, the film features no sex references or nudity but moderate violence, including gunshot wounds and fist fight type violence. There were some amusing moments, with John finding himself having to deal with unintentionally frustrating situations. The plot pace was, if anything, a bit slow for fans of constant fast action I suppose, which isn't great but I did feel it was a light, easy watch, so it wasn't horrendous either I guess. There have been a lot of similar films both before and after this one came out and this one didn't seem to stand head over heels over others. The cast were about average overall I'd say, there's nothing much worth mentioning about the performances, as far as I can think. Other cast cast members include, as I say, Bruce Payne as the atypical English villian Charles Rane and Tom Sizemore as Sly Delvecchio, with Bruce Greenwood playing Stuart Ramsey and Elizabeth Hurley also appears, playing Sabrina Ritchie. He gives a decent performance, although its not particularly memorable but its alright. Cast wise, Wesley Snipes plays John Cutter. The dialogue and plot are fairly predictable but it was still reasonably entertaining regardless. I also noticed some flirting between airport employees and the main character, John Cutter, which seemed quite cheesy and outdated to me. They're mounted on the passenger side of the dashboard until the team needs to travel on foot. The film did look, visually, quite dated but then I suppose thats to be expected, given its from 1992. Basically, the UFO Hunter is designed to watch the skies. I wouldn't recommend this be watched if your at all bothered by stereotypes and cliches, put it that way!. I didn't find it at all hard to figure out who the assigned 'bad guys' were, what with the 'doo doo, dum dum' type of background music, or perhaps more specifically noises, appearing at certain times - it was cheesily obvious if anything. The music featured sounded very typical for the early 1990s, a mix of cheesy instrumentals, mostly drum and sax based during scenes with the main character, and some more sombre pieces during more frenetic scenes, of course. Quite why Hollywood seems to have this preference for British villains I don't know but there you go. I found myself shaking my head when I realised that it was an English actor playing the villain (Bruce Payne, who plays Charles Rane) - a somewhat deranged one at that.


Its a pretty run of the mill action film, with Wesley Snipes playing the atypical sharp and sneaky professional willing to do whatever it takes to try to save the plane. I found myself This is a crime/action film, which features themes including hijackers, terrorism, the FBI and machismo. This is a crime/action film, which features themes including hijackers, terrorism, the FBI and machismo.

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